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Monday, December 9, 2013

2014/2015 Formula E entry list complete

The tenth and final team that’ll be competing in the first FIA Formula E Championship has been announced.

Monaco-based Venturi Grand Prix is a collaboration between Gildo Pallanca Pastor’s Venturi Automobiles, Bert Hedaya, Francesco Costa and actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Its two drivers - as yet unnamed - will initially use the Spark-Renault SRT-01E, but Venturi plans on becoming a constructor for the second season.

Spark-Renault SRT-01E 2014 Front Side

The Formula E series for electric-powered single-seaters will consist of ten rounds, all staged on temporary urban or city-centre tracks. The full entry list is:

  • Andretti Autosport Formula E Team (USA)

  • Audi Sport ABT Formula E Team (Germany)

  • China Racing Formula E Team (China)

  • Dragon Racing Formula E Team (USA)

  • Drayson Racing Formula E Team (UK)

  • e.dams Formula E Team (France)

  • Mahindra Racing Formula E Team (India)

  • Super Aguri Formula E Team (Japan)

  • Venturi Grand Prix Formula E Team (Monaco)

  • Virgin Racing Formula E Team (UK)

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